'Love, the key to the new golden era' <
The human being is not a beast like others say, man is not aggressive. Through of times how to be a changed human behavior agree with the events and moments through which it passes. Evil is not part of our way of life but if we learn from 3D reality in which we live. Society today is selfish and controlling.
The pure substance of the human being is not negative, the human being is positive. Make actions with unconditional love helps to be a better person and contribute positively to the human race. Love is the substance that heals our wounds, physical, mental and spiritual. When we opened our 4th chakra (Anahata) through the love we have the ability to heal your body using techniques like Raiki healing, meditation, among others.
Is to understand that love each other is not easy but necessary to evolve into a new stage of evolution of the soul. Move forward together or individually is something we have to decide for ourselves. When we learn to value our lives, honor and respect the other life forms then we can live in peace. The material needs are nothing more than tax that we have set ourselves, all we have in the face of the earth has given us free will and therefore you should not put a price because we are not the creators of the elements we use.
Love one another, but primarily it loving it that we love ourselves but we can not love others, you have to take care and awareness of your body, mind and spirit to love after three planes in those other persons .
Love others as yourself!
Good Moon!!