Monday, May 10, 2010

Love, the key to the new golden era

Hi everyone (^_^)

'Love, the key to the new golden era' <
The human being is not a beast like others say, man is not aggressive. Through of times how to be a changed human behavior agree with the events and moments through which it passes. Evil is not part of our way of life but if we learn from 3D reality in which we live. Society today is selfish and controlling.

The pure substance of the human being is not negative, the human being is positive. Make actions with unconditional love helps to be a better person and contribute positively to the human race. Love is the substance that heals our wounds, physical, mental and spiritual. When we opened our 4th chakra (Anahata) through the love we have the ability to heal your body using techniques like Raiki healing, meditation, among others.

Is to understand that love each other is not easy but necessary to evolve into a new stage of evolution of the soul. Move forward together or individually is something we have to decide for ourselves. When we learn to value our lives, honor and respect the other life forms then we can live in peace. The material needs are nothing more than tax that we have set ourselves, all we have in the face of the earth has given us free will and therefore you should not put a price because we are not the creators of the elements we use.

Love one another, but primarily it loving it that we love ourselves but we can not love others, you have to take care and awareness of your body, mind and spirit to love after three planes in those other persons .

Love others as yourself!

Good Moon!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The awakening of consciousness

We live in a 3D reality in which you just have to take off your 3D glasses to see the truth, the more we approach our "ego (I)" interiol find a perspective different from what we believe and we call reality, usually when we are born we can see listen and feel more of what we see, hear and heard in the age at which we are now, our minds are filled with worries, thoughts, and many more thoughts that are created by the 3D illusion in which we live. Our minds will always be in a way '3D Virtual Reality' from which we indulge in the hands of the world (all you hear, feel and see) for my example easier to understand using the film 'Matrix' and many of us have seen it and I think the e dimensions in my old post about the movie 'Avatar', Matrix is an example that gives some details of what may be the true reality that we see and the more one is blind to the physical world / material but we lost our true path.

Basically I invite people to reflect on their 'ego (the self)' interiol. There are two types of ego: the well-known ego which is the first person I selfish and self translated into Latin 'ego' who am I interiol. Take a moment to breathe air, feel it, relax and forget the world that are used to, feels like time freezes, and feel the ground this feels more down to our mother nature, earth feels that she is our true reality . So life as it exists today is only a mistake of destiny, the human being is not an aggressive animal but was brought up well and you can not deny that humans have a dark side but we are not animals in its pure essence . Kill each other is not something that we do but we are being taught and we need to deprogram all those impure teachings of our essence. The aura is something that we also need to know that exists in our bodies and always present in our souls, which is the aura? is a vibration (invisible to the eye astrophy common but with the third eye can see) which, depending on our emotional states, physical and spiritual can display colors that define our attitudes, thoughts and spiritual level
If you decide to take the initiative to take 15 minutes a day to relax and spend 15 minutes to immerse yourself in your own ego interiol in search of the missing pieces of the puzzle that will be enough for you each day a step toward awakening of consciousness but there are other more effective ways with which you can raise awareness and meditation right through the third eye or 6th chakra this will give an advantage in large scale, third eye meditation is easy to open but to develop it is not easy to carry out completely in a couple of days but with the dedication in a few weeks it will have developed enough to see your aura and other things which are not in this 'reality 3D'. I invite you to awaken their conscience for not only evolve as human beings but also see the truth of reality from a clear and distinct.

We only have one opportunity to choose and arousal from sleep in which we live, listen to your heart.

Which you choose your pill the red pill or blue pill?

Good Moon!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Violence and Beliefs

Hi everyone (^_^)

Today's topic is "Violence and beliefs', this topic is very controversial around the world that people (humans) have different ways of thinking, we have different religions, gods, books, cultures and a large number beliefs, etc ... but some of these are very aggressive to each other. I was watching some videos on YouTube in a very strong which I will not present here in my blog but the videos are related to belief systems which are largely wrong, also a few weeks ago I was watching some videos on "Extraterrestrial Andromeda Galaxy (Lecture on the Extraterrestrial prescence in the Cosmos) "by the very famous Mr Alex and known at a particular time of the talk he says: '... the religions had to be over 400 years ago ...' that has to do with this post with the topic of religion? Personally I have nothing against religion but I still see them as a system of mental control in some cases and that led me to believe that many of the wars and murders are caused because of these.

After releasing the human mind of the false beliefs we see the world through a different perspective in which we are and is very important because we live in a society manipulated by a few who keep our minds occupied while they can make their needs without us noticing. when I was 14 years old my mother told me ten -... your own discretion and do not let anyone control you ...- since the day my opinion has turned into a firm belief. I have to admit I am a seeker of truth in spiritual terms. The evolution of mankind has not advanced to that we are retained and filled with all sorts of subliminal messages of all types: media, internet, newspaper, etc, is like the song says' ... all lies and still not see it. .. ', technically the movie Matrix is a good example that we're becoming "a stack" we are what our brain sees and hears but we have no curiosity in digging in our inner and search for the meaning of life which is not "born, reproduce and die"
Beliefs are born, they grow up, spread out and evolve until they take shape and life in our minds, beliefs, carrying off a war between a man and the other limiting beliefs to humans. The mind is infinite consciousness, we are part of a whole. I'm just a man and a man can discover a whole imaginary world? search for absolute truth and stand firm on eve of truth.

Good Moon!

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