Thursday, April 8, 2010


Courage is not brute force, not aggressiveness, courage is not lack of fear, courage is courage. Let's see what the dictionary says about this word: Courage is defined as the quality of character that allows you to face danger or the unknown with courage.

If you want to reach a goal you have to have courage, if you want to get a position or be promoted to position at your work you need courage, when you want to get something you need courage, if you want to be successful you need courage, to be brave is basic need to live in this society today where there is fierce competition among the competitors for position and prestige.

"All your dreams can come true, if you have the courage to pursue them." WALT DISNEY.

A person with courage have more the chance of achieving their goals than a person that is afraid to risk that fear anyone or make a mistake.

"Judicious is one who believes that there is no partisanship in that risk is not to win ..." by Mago de Oz (Band of Rock and Roll)

 "You see the possibility that the worst happens and do what needs to be done anyway." Ronit Herzfeld

You are a person who lives in fear or have the courage to pursue your dreams?

Courage is not something that can be taught but is found to break the barriers of shyness and fear. Courage is like a muscle which is exercised to have value, at risk, to realize your desires. As you exercise the courage? You can make a list of things you'd like to do but you never dared to do them. That would be a small example of the many things you could do to raise your courage or strength.

Be wise!!

I'd like to hear some of your history on the subject!

Good moon!!

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