Friday, April 16, 2010

Meditation Techniques

These are some universal technique for meditation, you should use the one you is easy, you can also mix methods or creating your own method. Meditation is not easy to exercise when the mind is undisciplined but with time and practice you will do it. There are some techniques for Astral Projection.

Thought result of the experiences of past and future projections, must be silenced if we achieve the meditative state necessary to feel the inner energy, only be experienced in this, here and now. When prevents the wheel of thought itself automatically and without inviting, silent meditation begins. Within us there for two wheels: one, the other is thinking and meditation that is born of silence.

To use this technique simply have to be aware that there is no difference between the thinker and thought.

Let's sit quiet and relaxed in a completely dark room, and imagine that this room is located on the top floor of a skyscraper. Is situated in front of us a large window covered with a black curtain, a screen without any decoration, without anything to distract us, and make sure, paying attention to ourselves, that there is no thought crossing our consciousness (the curtain black), and if some thought just trying to break us note, for if we do, with the highest quality care, we see that is diluted because the mind does not think if you feel observed, and while we maintain the quality of care. The thoughts for a moment try to float on the edge of the curtain that is our consciousness. Observémonos just waiting to see what happens without desire or reject anything, putting all our energy on this observation, and the mind itself is muted, leaving a lake.

There is no difference between the observer and the observed. Keeping the quality of observation and we will gradually feeling an inner feeling of fullness, but even then we should focus on it. Let us observe the thoughts without rejecting or dialogue, but simply remain silent and do nothing and meditation will happen by itself, having then reached our goal.

Meditative practice this experiment over and over again, and we find that we can control our thoughts as do the Masters. "Remain silent and know that I, Being, I am in you," said the ancient sages, or "Meet me and know everything."

Let's do it several times a day, even when we go on the bus or the street as we walk, or doing any other activity. Let us pause for a moment, and knowing that thought is the enemy to beat, just observémonos. If we learn to transcend thought we open the door to all knowledge and experiences that we have always sought.

TECHNICAL Vipassana Meditation -

Vipassana meditation is a method that many people have lit due to its perfection and simplicity. Other meditation techniques have their quality, but in different ways, as they have added other components. However, the Vipassana meditation technique is complete in itself.

It is a very simple meditation that can make people of all ages, including younger ones, taking the latter in his favor that his mind is clean and pure.

Vipassana can be done in three ways:

The first technique is to be aware of the acts, body, mind and heart. Pay attention to any movement you make with your body. For example, when you move an arm, do it consciously, keeping in mind that you are moving the arm. When you walk, look at your steps, see the contact of each foot touching the ground, walk normally, but slowly, and looking down a few steps ahead of you.

It is ultimately not to do things automatically, but to pay attention to the actions you perform in your daily life, that is, when you eat, be attentive to the movements of your mouth and taste of food; when you hear music, carefully collect the sounds that reach your ears, when you caress your face, feel the impression that this will produce, etc..

Another variant of this technique refers to paying attention to your mind, that is, observe your thoughts. Normally, there is a constant and uncontrolled flow of thoughts, the mind never stops thinking. If you stay aware of the thoughts that come to mind, and do not participate in them, somehow you can stop them, control them and prevent them the reins of your life. This also applies to the emotions you feel in your heart, which will try to not get involved or identify you. Therefore, do not involve in your thoughts and emotions. When the mind is calm and quiet, experience manifests itself.

In the first technique of Vipassana meditation have to be aware of your body, your mind and your emotions. You can do all three ways at once, or only one of them.

The second technique is to be aware of the breath through the belly. When you inhale, the belly swells, swells, and when you exhale the belly flattens. This form is to observe the womb, their ups and downs, caused by inhaling and exhaling, paying attention to the navel area, because right there is also the chakra that relates to the vital energy.

This technique in some cases it will be easier to achieve than the first way, since you only have to look at the belly. Anyway, the result is the same, that is, silencing the mind, calm the emotions and mood swings to achieve balance.

The third technique is to be aware of breathing, but through the nostrils. Pay attention to air entering through your nose, and feel that this will occur, which can be cool, and then look at the air coming out of your nose, accompanied by the feeling of tranquility and relaxation you can feel. No need to alter the normal rhythm of your breathing, but simply focus on the air that enters and exits your nostrils, over and over again without pause.

In general, most people breathe filling the lungs, expanding the chest, and contracting the belly, because it is the concept that is more aesthetically pleasing to have a broad chest and flat stomach, but this does not take a deep breath. It is more natural breathing reaching the stomach, and produces greater relaxation. In fact, when you sleep you breathe from the belly, not from the chest, and that is one of the reasons why you relax while sleeping. If you fear that by breathing from the belly becomes bigger and change your figure, you can practice the method of observing the breath from the nostrils.

You can practice these techniques before performing an Astral Travel. To do this, sit back, back and head straight and eyes closed, breathing normally for 15, 30 or 45 minutes, depending on the time available, trying not to move.

Any of the three techniques described will be useful if you make out the Astral, but also will serve and will help you apply it to every other respect and time of your life. You can use only one method, or two or three at a time, but this requires more attention and effort. The method you think is easier is right for you.

Also, please note that they are all based on observation, not a concentration technique. If you come as you watch other things as physical sensations, feelings, thoughts, sounds from outside, etc.., You should not consider them as a distraction, but to stop the method you're using (for example, watching the breath), and pay attention to what that is emerging to be able to return to the method used, since what matters is the process of observing, not being observed.

With practice it will go making, your mind will calm down and mute, your ego will diminish and even if you're there I do not have feelings, and you have more insights.

Only you must practice and yearn, have a sincere desire in your heart that you can get, and when you do you will transform positively and set you free.

-OBSERVING TECHNIQUE pause in breathing -

Shiva said, "O radiant, this experience may dawn between two breaths. After entering the breathing (down) and just before beginning his ascent (out), the benefit."

As you inhale, he notes. For a moment, during an infinitesimal fraction of time - before exhaling, before the air out - not breathing. Sign in air, there is some point at which breathing stops and then the air comes out. When air comes out, also for a moment or an infinitesimal fraction of time breathing stops, and then return to inhale.

Before entering or leaving your breath, there is a moment that you're not breathing. At that time the event is possible, because when you're breathing you're not in the world. Understand this: when you're not breathing you are dead; exist, but you are dead. But that is so remarkably short time than ever to watch him reach.

Breath coming in is rebirth, coming out is death. The exhalation is synonymous with death, inhalation is synonymous with life. Therefore, with every breath you are dying and being reborn. The pause between the two is very short, but penetrating and sincere attention enables you to receive the break. And you do not need anything else. You have been blessed. You know. It has happened.

You have to train the breath. Leave it as it is. And why such a simple technique? Because it is really very simple. "Just a simple technique to know the truth? Knowing the truth means knowing what is not born or die, know that eternal element that always exists. You can distinguish their breath when they come out, but never break distinguish between them.

Try it. Suddenly get the idea. And you can catch it, it's there. We must not add anything or you or your property. Everything, except a certain awareness is there. Therefore, how? First, be aware of the entry of breath, watch it, forget everything, just watch the entrance of breath, his own pass. When the breath reaches your nostrils, feel it there. Then allows the breath continues to flow inward. Move along with it so fully conscious. Breathing down, down and down, not lose it. Do not go ahead, do not stay behind. Go with it. Remember: do not go ahead or follow like a shadow. Launched simultaneously with it.

Breath and consciousness should become one. Sign the air, you come. Only then will it be possible to capture that space that lies between two breaths. It will not be easy. Come and go with the air inside - outside, inside - outside. Buddha used this method in particular, and therefore has become a Buddhist method. In Buddhist terminology is called "Yoga Anapanasati." The Buddha's enlightenment was based on this technique and meditation on the Knowledge of Self

If you put your consciousness constantly on the breath, your attention on your breathing, suddenly one day, without realizing it, you will reach that range. As your consciousness will be more pervasive, deep and intense, as your conscience will be defining ... delimit the entire world, that enter and leave your breath be your whole world, the big picture of your consciousness. And suddenly, inevitably, feel the pause in which no breathing. If you move in perfect harmony with the breath, how can you remain unconscious when not breathing? Suddenly you realize that there is no breath, and come when you will feel that breathing is not entering or exiting. Will have stopped breathing completely. In that pause, "the benefit."


Shiva said, "Immersed in a worldly activity, keep your eye on the gap between two breaths. And so practicing, in a few days be born again."

Whatever you're doing, keep your attention on the gap between two breaths. But you have to practice it while you're active.

We just talked of a similar technique. Now there is only one difference that has to be performed while you are immersed in any worldly activity. Do not you practice alone. This practice has to be done while you're doing anything else. You're eating: continue to eat and stay tuned to the break. You walk: it keeps going and stay tuned to the break. You go to bed: Lie, lets you get sleep, but continues to remain attentive to the break. Why be active? Because the activity distracts the mind. The activity demands your attention again and again. Do not be distracted. Hold your attention on the break without stopping your business, let the activity continue.

We have two levels of existence: the world of doing and the world of being, the circumference and center. Still working on the periphery, in the circle. Do not stop, but if I watch the center. What will happen? Your activity will become a performance, like you're representing a character.

If you practice this method, your life will become a play. You'll be an actor playing different roles but remains constantly focused on the break. If you forget to pause, then you will not be playing roles, you will have become the character. It will not be a play because you've confused with life. That's what we have done. Everyone thinks he is living life. It is not life. Only one paper, the role society has assigned you, circumstances, culture, tradition, country, location, etc.. You have been assigned a role, you are representing and have come to identify with him. Use this technique to break that identification. This technique is used to represent a psychodrama to play. You are focused on the gap between two breaths and life goes on in the periphery. If your attention is in the center, then it is not really on the periphery, there is only "sub-attention." What happens is only somewhere close to your attention, you can feel it, you know, but not significant. It's like if you do not happen to you.

If you practice this technique throughout your life be like if you were happening to you, as if it were happening to someone else.


It consists of counting breaths. We take a deep breath and exhale, relaxing and stretching every time we exhale. We take each breath, starting from the stomach to do so full breaths. We began to breathe normally from now and with every breath count 1, with the expiry count 2, with the inspiration we have 3 and so on, concentrating and avoiding any thought to penetrate between breath and count numbers. Not allowing that if a thought arises in our consciousness but our attention that we put our full attention on the breath and the next count. We performed this technique for at least fifteen or twenty minutes, prior to our departure to Astral. 

-Transcendental Meditation technique -
This technique is used to raise our physical vibrations up to the Astral Plane.

Say first orally, if we are alone, then the mantra AIMMMMMMMMM ... Then when you just so long as we can pronounce this mantra, in harmony with our breath, utter the mantra back again a second time, and so one after another without allowing any other thought, other than the mantra, appears in our consciousness, making one after another mentally, and letting it get diluted until they decide themselves for a period of 15 to 20 minutes, at least once a day in advance to do Astral Travel.


The technique of Zembla is to develop a deep breath and vibrational energy level much higher, and rest and relax your body and your mind to a much higher level.

Deep breathing while the body is at rest has many advantages such as accelerating the vibratory level. Alkalosis causes gives us a short period when breathing stops, allowing the body time to completely relax the effort of breathing and use the excess energy to develop a higher vibrational level and psychological development. Speeds up the rest and relaxation because the alkaline blood is full of electrons. So you have to learn to breathe deeply when the body is at rest, or the Horizontal Ozona.

The Ozona Horizontal: How to quickly recover all the energy

Lie on your back and you will notice that breathing becomes slower when lying down. To fill up your lungs to lie down with the soles of the feet flat on the bed with your knees bent. In this position, relax your abdominal muscles and you can fill your lungs to the maximum.

Now imagine that inside the chest had a large circular tube that you want to fill empty air. Aspira normally and begins to fill starting below, ie the region of the sides and the diaphragm. Feels like the inner tube is filled first ahead, then behind and finally the sides. Aspira again and fill up half of the chest and collarbone. Finally, seeks full and fill up the shoulders and neck, in front, behind and on both sides at once.

Now running normally. Ozona Horizontal Repeat five or six times, thereby oxygenating the blood and completely saturating the electron, and then stretch completely. Practice this exercise at least 15 or 20 minutes.

If prior to the Ozona Horizontal're too exhausted, start first by the Zembla. Stand with legs apart and toes facing outwards. Bend your knees and lean forward resting his hands on his knees to support your body. In this position your abdominal muscles (the waist) are relaxed as possible and allow your lungs completely filled from the bottom up to the shoulders and throat. This provides an extraordinary amount of oxygen to the tissues that were deprived of it. When you're tired or exhausted means that your tissues have used their oxygen reserves more quickly than you could replace it and that, to use the physiological expression, you're in "oxygen debt."

The longer you can prevent tissues are in "oxygen debt", the faster you can provide more oxygen and more time to delay the depletion and conserve your energy.

Take several deep breaths and exhale normally between each one of them. With each deep breath chest full of air from the diaphragm to the neck, front to back and sides, begin to breathe with ease. Here rests. You've risen tremendously your energy and your tone vibrations, and you're ready to lie down and use the Horizontal Ozona.


First, identify the action you want, for example, travel on the Astral.

Second, know that all resources are within you, so give yourself permission to experience it yourself. Let this resource fill your whole body! For example, visualize yourself out in the Astral experiencing some real experience you have had, or just imagine how it happens, if you have not previously had consciously.

As I remember, allow yourself to feel what you felt, seeing what you saw, hear what you heard, and smell and taste like that experience. When the feeling, image and other sensations are clear enough ánclalo, joining index finger and thumb of his right hand.

Third, now think of someone who has or has had plenty of the resource that you need, for example, T. Lobsang Rampa or someone you know.

Fourth, now ask you to borrow or ask her to pass this action to that person, as you see yourself and sit next to her receiving a symbolic object in his hand, which represents the action of astral travel. When you can clearly see and feel receiving it, ánclalo joining index finger and thumb of your right hand.

Fifth, now moves forward and imaginatively visual or make a movie of yourself in the next six months of your life doing astral travel every night, and during the day whenever you want, and see how it changes your appearance and how you change you have this capability.

When you finish making this film visually or imaginatively, fire the anchor again with the index finger and thumb of your right hand.

And while you're keep the feeling of accomplishment to have reached this capacity, and with that feeling let your whole being is filled from top to bottom, a color that symbolizes thee.

Then slowly and gently, open your eyes feeling that this capacity is still yours, still keeping together the index finger and thumb.

Sixth, re-use this anchor fingers always first to make an Astral Travel.

Good Moon!!

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